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Welcome to the DUSTY GIANTS project info page!

This year I have been awarded a large individual starting grant SONATA supported by the  NCN for the project called "Dusty Giants". Thanks to this grant, I will have the opportunity to explore some of the most fascinating questions in the modern extragalactic astronomy: how galaxies produce and destroy their dust in different environments. 



Because it aims at uniting observations from the largest telescopes and state-of-the-art simulations, the project DUSTY GIANTS will offer many benefits to astronomical community. One of the expected outcomes will be a new technique of selecting and understanding distant overdensities of galaxies. The Project will provide the solid ground needed for interpreting future unprecedented data sets of large-scale surveys of galaxies in the distant Universe (e.g., Euclid mission, Vera C. Rubin observatory) and their synergy with current millimetre telescopes on Earth (ALMA, LMT, NIKA2, NOEMA).

PhD fellowship within the project "DUSTY GIANTS" !

Apply for a 4yr PhD fellowship in the field of dusty galaxy evolution!
Deadline: April 30th, 2022
For application procedure, please click below!


Please get in touch if you're interested in exploring massive & distant galactic "Giants", their formation history and evolution.

An example "Dusty giant" identified by HST, Spitzer and ALMA telescopes. It is a massive and dusty galaxy @ z=3.39, observed in the time when Universe was less than 2 Gyr old. The galaxy's physical properties were analysed as part of the project published in Donevski et al., A&A 2020. The project "DUSTY GIANTS" will aim at understanding how galaxies' dark matter halos and interstellar medium are linked over cosmic times.

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The project DUSTY GIANTS will connect many wonderful collaborators with diverse expertises, both in observational astronomy and theoretical modelling. Main collaborators included so far are:

Prof. Allison Man, University British Columbia (Canada)

Dr. Michael Romano, NCBJ, Warsaw (Poland)

Prof. Kasia Malek, NCBJ, Warsaw (Poland)

Dr. Katarina Kraljic, LAM, Marseille (France)

Prof. Andrea Lapi, SISSA, Trieste (Italy)

Prof. Ivana Damjanov, St. Marry's University, Halifax (Canada)

Prof. Veronique Buat, LAM, Marseille (France)

Dr. Chris Lovell, University of Hertfordshire (UK)

Dr. Irene Shivaei, Steward Observatory, Tucson (USA)

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